Configuring Your MDKC in Hauptwerk 4

Hauptwerk 4 makes it easy to set up your draw knobs using your MDKC.


Note: This tutorial is to be used after you have hooked up all of your tabs or draw knobs to the MDKC, you have completed the calibration sequence and have selected your MIDI channel. If you have not done this, please visit the MDKC installation guide and complete these items.


So, if your MDKC is plugged in to your Hauptwerk computer via USB, you're ready to go!


Setting the MIDI ports:


Go to General Settings > MIDI Ports. Make sure that your MDKC port 1 is selected. 



The MDKC has 2 MIDI ports (read interfaces) built in. Essentially, it's like a MIDISport 2x2. Port 1 handles the traffic for the tabs or draw knobs exclusively. Port 2 is accessed by the MIDI in and MIDI out jacks on the board. It functions as it's own, standalone MIDI interface.


If you want to plug other MIDI products (like our pedalboard for instance) into the MIDI in jack, you will also need to select MDKC Port 2 as well in the "Console MIDI in" column.


In order for Hauptwerk to send the MDKC messages to update the tabs or draw knobs, you will also need to select Port 1 in the "Console MIDI out" column.




Detecting Individual Tabs or Draw Knobs:


Locate the on-screen item you wish to control and right-click (macs use control-click) and follow the sequence of pictures below.




Pull out the draw knob (or press down the tab) and then push it back in (or lift the tab back up).



The "Done" button will light up but don't press it yet. You need to tick the "Send matching MIDI data" box.



 Now you can click "Done".


You can also now try out the the switch. Move it and see if it moves on-screen.


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